Ben's ordinary world consists of a crappy house, a mean uncle, and a housewife-widow-mother. Ben crosses the threshold into a new world when he...
he... um... goes on a biblical adventure... ? (only french students would understand that huh-lay-ree-us joke)
Let's review the plot and see where Ben crosses the threshold:
1. Bad musical reaction
2. A dumb chapter
3. A rich person comes and wants them to fix the cottage
4. They fix the cottage
5. Ben gets drunk
6. Hangover
7. Ben cries
8. Ben gets on a boat
9. The uncle dies
10. Ben cries again
11. His mom packs their stuff
12. They leave for Toronto where they will live in poverty
So I guess going to Toronto counts as crossing the threshold into the new world, but we never even get to read about the new world. So in theory, The Landing is only a seventh of a novel. Does this mean there will be a sequel? I can't wait.
I'm not completely satisfied with this explanation, so by using complex algorithms, I'm going to find the real threshold.
t=a book that sucks
Friday, April 23, 2010
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