Oh wait, you should
(Excerpt from The Landing)
The musicians picked up their instruments and-
Easily one of the worst ways to react to music that I've heard in my lifetime. When was the last time anybody used the word golly? Never. That's when. Upon my original reading, I stopped, vomitted, then skipped the rest of the chapter. It took a lot of effort to continue the rest of The Landing, and only after a few more chapters lacking the English language's worst reactions was I able to push that writing blunder aside.
I am trying to help all other authors out there. Especially Canadians. The Landing is written by a Canadian author. It is easy to see that Canadians are better at winter sports than they are at potraying emotion through writing.
Nothing would please me more than to never hear the G word ever again. Ever. That's a warning for all authors out there. I am forwarding this post to Webster in hopes that the G word can officially be removed from the English language.